Visit the Claremont Unified School District website for more information regarding meal applications.
Hardcopies are available
in the school office.
Sumner Elementary - English
Danbury Elementary - English
Danbury Elementary - Spanish
Sumner Danbury Elementary
1770 Sumner Ave.
Claremont, CA 91711
Main Office: (909) 398-0320
Health & Services Office: (909) 398-0320 Ext. 61002
FAX: (909) 398-0380
Attendance Hot Line:
909 399-1749
After School Child Care
Enrollment: 170 W. San Jose Ave
Claremont, CA 91711
(909) 398-0373
On site #: (909) 398-0320
Ext: 41609
Sumner Danbury Elementary School provides challenging academic experiences that will encourage each child to reach his/her full academic and social potential. Learning occurs in a safe and caring environment that fosters excitement, enthusiasm, and discovery. Students are encouraged to appreciate their own worth and importance as well as that of others. Sumner Danbury Elementary School provides an atmosphere that will enable each child to develop a respect for the differences of others and nurture a sense of responsibility to the community and the environment.
CUSD is now accepting online 2023-2021 enrollment for NEW students, please visit the CUSD website to enroll your NEW student.
Claremont Unified School District is committed to providing a safe space for learning for each and every student, regardless of immigration status. Visit the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for more information regarding secure locations.
Additional information can be found at the Los Angeles County Office of Education website.
For information regarding DACA, please visit the Association of California School Administrators website.
Claremont Unified School District se compromete a proveer un lugar seguro para la educación de todos y cada uno de sus estudiantes, independientemente de sus condiciones migratorias. Para más información lea la Hoja Informativa Para Familias y Personal Escolar.
Puede obtener más información en el sitio web de la oficina de Educación del condado de Los Angeles.
Para más información acerca de DACA visite el sitio web de la Asociación de Administradores de Escuelas.
Visit the Claremont Unified School District website for more information on Measure G.
Sumner Danbury has gone paperless for flyers sent home to parents!
Click the Peachjar icon to log in!
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No action is required on your part. You will receive a welcome email from our service provider (Peachjar) that includes a username and password. This is provided to give you the opportunity to manage your account and flyer delivery preferences. You do not need to login to receive or view school digital flyers.
To ensure smooth delivery of this communication, we suggest you add www.peachjar.com to your email contacts. When you receive your first digital flyer, be sure to click “always display images.”
This system is used exclusively for distribution of school-approved flyers. Your email address will not be shared or used for any other purpose. Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure parents are well informed about school programs, activities, and events.
武汉电脑城商圈辉煌不再:电脑门面改卖豆腐脑_商业_福建 ...:2021-10-6 · 卖电脑的门面改卖豆腐脑 洪山区广埠屯工商所的郑女士,是长期负责南极电脑城的工商管段人员,她说,“南极电脑城大多门面已改成了餐饮和百货店,卖电脑的门面改卖豆腐脑,卖手机的改卖黄焖鸡,只剩四分之一的商户还在经营数码产品。
We are located in southern California about thirty miles east of Los Angeles and nestled in the San Gabriel Valley in the education rich city of Claremont. Sumner Danbury School is within walking distance of the Claremont Colleges. We are home to over 600 culturally diverse students. About 90 students with physical disabilities and/or health impairments attend Sumner Danbury each year. Our students thrive in this diverse environment because we have established clear expectations for academics and behavior that emphasize the value of learning and the importance of treating others with respect and dignity. Sumner Danbury Elementary is certainly an exciting and vibrant place for our students to learn, work, and play together.